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Football Season Recap

By: Ashley Maldonado '24

What a Season!! Your Soces Football team ended the season with an overall record of 4-5. For the first time in 4 years, SOCES has seen the growth of a football team, finally giving seniors the opportunity to experience a bond that can only be built through a team. It was a season full of learning, but with great determination, these boys pushed through and were able to win 4 league games out of 5! With the season coming to an end, senior captains Philip Nguyen, Muhammed Huzaifa, and Gamlet Melkonyan explained their thoughts on the season. Muhammad Huzaifa said, “I’m proud of the team and I love how far we came and we are proud of the progress and the wins that we got.” As a senior, Muhammad was only able to be on the team this year, but he has expressed his gratitude for the experience. He also said, “I think this team will have a better season next year but I think we will have more players that will be good.”

To add on to Muhammad’s thoughts, captain Philip Nguyen said “I would like to thank Coach Rex for being an awesome coach and always believing in us.” SOCES had their first playoff game on November 3, 2023, at home against USC Hybrid. They unfortunately lost and did not pass to the semifinal round, but the foundation is now set for SOCES football to succeed for years to come. Senior Gamlet Melkonyan encapsulated this idea, stating “Even though we’re a new team coming back after 3 or 4 years, we still built our own legacy.” With the season over, Coach Rex and co. look to build up the strong base to be even better next year.

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