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Parent Trivia Night

By: Pattarin Seayub '24

On December 1, the PTSA will hold Parent Trivia Night in Glenn Hall from 6pm-8:30pm. Various clubs participated in the event by selling items like hot cocoa, candy, and chips. Clubs running booths will set up from 5pm-6pm and leave before 9pm. Those interested in selling concessions were required to fill out a form sent on Schoology.

Ms. Heck, the president of the PTSA, stated, “I’m really excited for the little games we will be doing in between trivia rounds. I’ve been collecting cookies, oven mitts and crepe paper for a few days, if that gives you a sense of what to expect. David Cooper is hosting trivia and he’s got a lot of fun questions planned for kids and for parents.…but perhaps most of all, we can’t wait to show off our very, very Ugly Sweaters! We will also have a spirit wear “flash sale” and Latinos UNIDOs will set up some tasty tacos.”

Make sure to support PTSA and enjoy some fun trivia!

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