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SOCES Playoffs Review

By: Isaac Choi '24

All four SOCES  winter sports teams advanced to their postseason, but they were all eliminated after a short playoff run. Despite their seasons ending, each team has done an outstanding job and all should be proud. 

Boys basketball played against South East and Boys soccer played against West Adams on February 7th. Unfortunately, Boys' basketball lost a hard-fought game with the score of 49-56 ending with a 14-15 record, while Boys' soccer won with a score of 3-1 and moved on to the second round playing against DMAC on Wednesday, February 14, unfortunately lost ending their season with 7-10-3. Here are some words from the captains of the teams. 

“I felt like the environment was different, you could feel that we were in the playoffs and we all wanted to win. We all played our hearts out and no one gave up throughout the whole game,’ said senior Carlo Canas, the Captain of the Boys’ basketball team.

Senior Emerson Menjivar from Boys Soccer shared his team's reaction to playoffs ”I feel sad that playoffs are over. I'm happy we got the opportunity to be able to make it through round one. We played our hardest on that field but sadly did not get the result we wanted. It was hard to say goodbye to high school soccer for good being a senior. I am proud of my team and how well we have developed. I feel like we could’ve taken advantage of our opportunities in the game and scored more but could’ve, would’ve, and should’ve. The game is over and now it is the end of the chapter. I'm grateful for such good teammates this season.”

Girls soccer played LACES and Girl basketball faced off against Wilson on February 8th. Girls soccer had a close game but sadly lost 1-2 ending the season with a record of 15-2, while Girls basketball lost 12-57, ending the season with 11-10. 

Senior Alysa Bagdasaryan from Girls Soccer shared her feelings about making the playoffs. “I feel a little bit disappointed with the outcome of our first and last playoff game this season. It was very upsetting how we lost since we played hard however the refs weren’t in our favor. I know the loss hit the seniors hard since it was our last time playing together and the routine we’ve had for the past 3 months ended. I believe if we communicated more we would have more ball possession which would have resulted in a different game. Overall, I think we played well, however, it’s very sad since I’ve been playing since my freshman year so knowing that the last game I ever played in high school was last week feels weird.” 

Senior Jessica Biesman of Girls Basketball expressed her thoughts on the outcome of the game. “I was very upset, but it was a very good season, and was proud of the improvements we made this season.”

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